Todd Horton D.P.M.

Order fulfillment address

3304 Brigadoon Drive

Clearwater, FL 33759



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Monday, January 01, 2007

Thank you for your interest in my product Artalgia.

Because I normally interviewed each patient before dispensing Artalgia, I am able to individualize treatment plans.  The vastness of the Internet does not allow me to do this so I made a simple set of directions on the bottle.  As it turns out quite a few people have complex problems of long duration and need more help.  You can increase your chances of results by using the following directions.

Directions for Maximum Effect

Take four to ten drops under the tongue three to four times daily.

Try to hold the drops in the mouth for a full 10 seconds before swallowing; this is because the drops are absorbed through the mucous membrane.  However, if you swallow it that is okay, just takes longer get results. 

If you donft like the taste you can put it in water or juice or on food. There should be no caffeine, mint or garlic for 30 minutes, before or after.

As you get results, is better to cut the number of drops and still take it three to four times a day.  If youfre not getting results is better to take the same amount more frequently.  If you get a headache and it means Artalgia is increasing blood flow and working too fast and too well and you need to cut the number of drops and then build back up.  Homeopathicfs do not have side effects but they can make changes occur that you think is a side effect.  If youfre taking a medication for neuropathy, you should keep taking it a few days and decide for yourself when you should reduce it with your doctorfs guidance.  If youfre taking blood pressure medicine, try half the Artalgia dose to start and workup.  No headaches mean you can increase dosage.

If the neuralgia is cleared you should stop taking it and take only if needed. It is not unusual to have symptoms roller coaster.  Severe case (long duration or 24 hours a day) can benefit by taking Green Magna (or a similar product), alpha lipoic acid or evening primrose oil from a health food store.  See my web site.

Green stuff - clumps of green on the bottom of the bottle is Ginkgo herb, fix by shake, shake, shake.

Feel free to e-mail me with questions or comments; itfs a lot easier than writing or calling.

Todd P. Horton DPM

P.S. I can take credit cards on, e-mail me for an easy Internet credit card bill or go to website at   There is always mail order at the above address.

P.P.S. when you recommend me to your friends tell them I would much rather get e-mail than a phone call. Thanks.